
How to Calm Down from Anger Fast


If you’re tired of being the angry all the time, try these simple techniques from the experts of psychotherapy in West Orange, New Jersey:

  • Do something about it.
    It might be you are angry at a public injustice, politician, or policy. One best thing to address your anger is doing something about it—try to right the wrong instead of just pondering on it.
  • Don’t beat your pillow.
    Do you tend to beat your pillow up when your blood feels like boiling? Turns out it doesn’t increase your anger; it increases your hostility. Take three deep breaths instead.
  • Understand your anger.
    A provider of mental health service in New Jersey suggests that you track down and understand your anger triggers. Once you are aware of what these triggers are—events, situations, or people—try to work on desensitizing your reactions as much as possible. Don’t lose it right away.
  • Go for a walk.
    This can mean a temporary physical or mental escape from the situation. Should you get really angry, walk away from the source. If it is the traffic that triggered your anger, turn up the radio and sing to the top of your lungs.
  • Diffuse it with laughter and humor.
    This is especially effective when dealing with family members. Do something silly to defuse the anger, reminding everyone that forgiveness abounds in the family.

Looking for a therapist to help you manage your anger? Reach Shirley Court Gonzalez LCSW BCD today.

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